Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Houseboat visit, 1/28/2025

 After a crazy busy few days, doctor's appointments, etc, a trip to the water was seriously needed. This is a little walk down "B" dock to the houseboat, at night. Here's a little video...

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Houseboat Maintenance, 1/21/2025

 We have a hard freeze (low teens) coming tonight. The heat pump was a little low on freon, and I was worried about the houseboat/plumbing freezing. I came up here and topped it off with freon, and found what I believe is the small leak that's been bugging me. 

When I unbolted the battery box and moved it, I discovered one of the ports to be lightly oily. I tightened the Schrader valve and checked it with liquid detergent, and no bubbles! 

This is a 38 seer (!!!) Mini-split and is efficient down to 0°F! It's been running 2 years, and I love it!

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Snow at Kerr Lake, 1/11/2025

 A few pics from the Steele Creek Marina, Jan 11 2025. About 3" of fluffy white snow!