Yay!!! We have the roof completed, and all dried in. This whole project is totally off the instructions, so probably less then a dozen holes actually lined up, out of the 1600+ holes I had to hand drill and screw. Wow, but it all fits and is the dimensions we wanted for our floating platform. The roof panels are all not installed, sealed, have ridge caps cut and fitted, 3 full size caulking gun-size tubes of calking, and lower ends all cut off. Sorry, these photos keep getting out of order for some reason, but I'll describe them as I go...
Top three photos are: Houseboat 3, Dave 0. While using the carbide saw and trimming the excess roof metal, I got in a fight with the sharp edges and lost. Not too badly, but the houseboat drew a little blood from me :-)
The two photos above are of the roof, all finished and with the overhangs trimmed. Time to install the roof edging, now!
Debbie took a couple of photos of me cutting the roofing with the carbide saw. There's a video near the end of this blog showing the carbide saw in action...
The above 4 photos are of the roof, after completion, but before the overhangs were cut. I kinda like the look, but the windows would be partially obscured by the overhang, so it has to go.
Carbide saw in action!!